The Schwabische Alb is one of the most beautiful areas of Germany.... well, I'm a bit partial to that!  However, the combination of excellent castles with the rolling hills and steep cliffs of these foothills to the Swiss Alps makes for an excellent combination.  While there are not too many major castles in this area (nothing like the Rhein or Mosel), some of those here are without parallel.  Also included in this section are areas in the Greater Baden-Wurttemberg area.

Left, I'm at the top of Hohenneuffen with a group of German middleschool students and their teacher who were on a field trip.  I do NOT know what they are doing with their hands... I only hope it wasn't obscene!  As a former teacher, I can attest that kids are kids anywhere you go.

Below left... the beauty of the Schwabishe Alb as seen from the hills near Hohenurach.

While the entire region below is not the Schwabische Alb, I must admit my partiality, and the reason why I named the page such.   Regardless, I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed exploring the sites!

Below, while staying at a campground in Tubingen, I encountered a couple from the United Kingdom on holiday.  We had wonderful conversation on about anything and everything going on in Europe in 2005.  I'm also there in my signature red sweatshirt, a piece of clothing that has worn like iron over the years and that I've used on every hiking adventure I've been on.