Some "then and now" type photos of the battlements and outer fortifications of the castle.  On the left, as seen in 1979, and on the right in 2007.  Some of the overgrowth has been removed to help preserve the structure from further decay.
Above, left and right, two views of some of the outer battlements.  In the left hand photo can be seen traces of burned areas along the wall.  This was the result of efforts to burn away some of the vines growing along the structure.  While quaint looking, such growth destroys the structure, and quite rapidly I might add.  The second law of thermodynamics is a serious enemy of any ancient ruin.

To the right is a photo from 1979 of the same stretch of wall as in the upper right photo, except at a different angle.

Below, a 2007 view along one of the battlements, and a view from the castle looking to the northwest up the Erms valley towards Dettingen.
Another "then and now" comparison of a turret as seen from one of the covered battlements.  On the left, in 1979, and right, in 2007.