Bad Urach
Nearby Hohenurach is the Uracher Wasserfall.  This is really worth the hike (it's about a 20-30 minute walk from a parking lot near the main road).  The photo on the left was taken in 2005, the one on the right in 1975.  The left hand photo, and my personal experience, demonstrated that there is far more vegetation in the area than in the 1970s.

The waterfall is about 37 meters high and is fed by a cold, clear spring of water a short distance from where the fall begins its plunge.  However, as tempting as it may be, do NOT drink the water straight from the spring on the top of the ledge!  When I did this in the mid-1970s I ended up sick and bed-ridden for three days.  There are natural impurities that make drinking straight from any supposedly clear stream quite dangerous, contrary to the myth-makers within the environmental movement.
Below Hohenurach is the castle's namesake, Bad (Bath) Urach.  Bad Urach is now a very popular tourist site for Germans, but 30 years ago was not so frequented.  To the right, two photos of the water fountain in the town square.  On the left, my mother sitting on the fountain's edge in 1975, and to the right my wife doing the same in 2007, though from the opposite direction.  The curb has been removed and the road transformed to cobblestone.

Below, two other views of old Bad Urach, both in 2007.  In the lower right photo the building behind my mother in the 1975 photo is in the center background.  The fountain is obscured by two folded table umbrellas.