Some views of the castle from above, this looking down at the bastion leading to the main gate.
Left, a view of the top of the walls that were part of the round towers.  To provide modern access, walkways and railings have been added, thus eliminating the original character of the towers.

Below left, one of the stairways leading up the interior of the towers.

Below, a view of the walls of the round towers and the walkway along the top. 
Left, a view of the walkway that goes between the two towers.  If you have a fear of heights you might have some problem with this!

Left, a view of one of the stairway towers, showing some of the authentic design work.
Right, another view of the walkway showing how high above the castle base it is.  The drop is well over 50 feet, or above the "coffin zone" where a person would receive fatal injuries should they fall!
Left, one of the interior walkways showing how narrow these are.  These would be easy to block and defend during a siege and assault.
Above, one of the stairways.  This one is a metal and concrete rebuild.

Left, while the twin round towers may be largely gone, the view from the top is still spectacular.  This is the Saar River as seen from the top of the towers.  The "V" line of the wake of a boat is discernable.
A stylized lithograph of the castle in better days before it gradually decayed.  While many illustrations exaggerate the terrain, in this case the terrain characterization, with the steep slopes of the hill on which the castle rests, are largely accurate.