The keep is unique in that it has an outer stairway that winds itself around the center of the keep that once had multiple levels with wooden platforms. The platforms are long gone, but the stairs will lead you to each level and then to the top.
Above, two views of the stairway.
Left, a look up the length of the keep showing the different levels. The rebuilt concrete roof is visible at the top.
Below, one of the entrance ways to a non-extant platform.
Left, a look up hill to the Lowenburg. The tower and walls to the left are part of the outer works and bastions that stretch down toward the town.
Right, a look at part of the structure within the inner ward. I believe this section was the chapel, and had at least three levels. To the right center there is, just visible, a stairway to nowhere, which was once a stairway to the next floor.
Right, a view looking down at the remains of the outerworks. There is not much left of these sections.
Left, a nice view of Lowenburg from the hills behind, showing the town of Monreal beyond. The shield wall to protect the keep is clearly visible.
Right, a view towards Philipsburg, showing how close these two structures are.
Below, a look along one of the quaint and narrow roads of Monreal. The town is itself worth the visit.