Above, two views of Kasselburg's very impressive keep. One side (left) is flat, with one of the rounded portions of what is called the "doppelturm," or double tower. The spiral stairway is in this section, the windows visible to the right. The right photo shows the double-nature of the keep. The stairs are to the left in this photo.
Left, an example of a bartizan, a small tower that supports the defense of a wall. This example has entrances on either side, the wooden platforms and stairs now long gone.
Left, the gate leading into the inner ward. To the right rear is the keep.
Right, this tower is the old castle bergfried. The tower is not open for viewing for several reasons. The first is that the floors are no longer extant. The second being that the doorways lead to the tops of walls that no longer have the wooden platforms and railings to keep on from falling.